Tips for Working Through Your Pregnancy

Many women continue working while they are pregnant, but depending on your job, things may become complicated at a certain point. (This is especially true if you work a job that requires physical labor.) Whether you plan to work all the way up until your due date or an earlier stage in your pregnancy, here are some solid tips to help you make it work. Keep a stash of crackers at work Morning sickness can make any job miserable, especially if the strong smells of food and coffee wafting from the break room make you feel especially nauseated. Keep a stash of crackers at work for easy, light snacking that will help stave off nausea. If crackers don’t help, ginger ale or tea might be a good alternative to keep on hand. Drink tons of water Keep a water bottle at your desk or work station throughout your workday to remind yourself to stay hydrated. Drink up and refill regularly throughout the day. Take lots of frequent breaks Sitting or standing for long periods when you’...